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Holmfirth Carnival Parade

Homfirth Carnival was a quick artistic parade based on artwork of the Lion that lived years ago in the town.  The sculptures, Puppets and Costumes were all hand made and then embellished and painted by the youth artists. Structures I helped make.
Lions Body

Lions Body

Base of a Lion's body made up of a range of flexible wood and bamboo. In preparation for a animal parade.

Lion Puppet

Lion Puppet

Large scale animal carnival. Lion body and head made from bending bamboo and wood into shape, then paper maché to create the thick tough body. Quick turn around carnival parade to show the artistic side to creating a carnival.

Herron base head.

Herron base head.

Heron bird head in the making. I used a range bamboo and different flexible wood to create the shape.

Herron Heads in progress

Herron Heads in progress

After the base of the bamboo the heads were then heavily paper machéd.

Herron Puppet

Herron Puppet

Large scale animal carnival. Herron body and head made from bending bamboo and wood into shape, then paper maché to create the thick tough body. Quick turn around carnival parade to show the artistic side to creating a carnival.

Animal heads.

Animal heads.

Zebra head base for an animal carnival parade.

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